Английские Марескина
Ссылки из англоязычных источников/англоязычное авторство: Тема: Пауэрлифтинг 1)Тема статьи: Effects of technique variations on knee biomechanics during the squat and leg press Автор::Escamilla, RF (Escamilla, RF); Fleisig, GS (Fleisig, GS); Zheng, NQ (Zheng, NQ); Lander, JE (Lander, JE); Barrentine, SW (Barrentine, SW); Andrews, JR (Andrews, JR); Bergemann, BW (Bergemann, BW); Moorman, CT (Moorman, CT) Журнал: MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Ключевые слова автора:powerlifting; kinetics; patellofemoral; tibiofemoral; ACL; PCL; compressive; shear; rehabilitation; force; muscle activity; EMG Цитирование в Web of Science Core Collection: 130 Impact Factor 4.478 Область поиска: Sport Sciences 2)Тема статьи: A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of the squat during varying stance widths Автор:Escamilla, RF (Escamilla, RF); Fleisig, GS (Fleisig, GS); Lowry, TM (Lowry, TM); Barrentine, SW (Barrentine, SW); Andrews, JR (Andrews, JR) Журнал: MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Ключевые слова автора:powerlifting; weight-lifting; joint moments; joint moment arms; joint angles; segment angles; kinematics; kinetics; mechanical work Цитирование в Web of Science Core Collection: 98 Impact Factor: 4.883 Область поиска:Sport Sciences 3)Тема: High- and low-bar squatting techniques during weight-training Автор::Wretenberg, P (Wretenberg, P); Feng, Y (Feng, Y); Arborelius, UP (Arborelius, UP) Журнал: MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Ключевые слова автора:weightlifting; powerlifting; squatting exercise; HIP; knee; EMG; biomechanics Цитирование в Web of Science Core Collection: 68 Impact Factor: 4.883 Область поиска: Sport Sciences 4)
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