Поиск на английском языке Абросимов

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Версия от 13:31, 22 декабря 2020; Абросимов Владислав (обсуждение | вклад)

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Title: Language Assimilation Today: Bilingualism Persists More Than in the Past, But English Still Dominates
Author: Richard Alba
Publication Date: 2004-11-01
Citations: 122

Title: English Gain vs. Spanish Loss? Language Assimilation among Second-Generation Latinos in Young Adulthood
Author: Van C. Tran
Publication Date: 01 September 2010
Citations: 114

Title: Language Assimilation During the Modernisation Process: Experiences from Norway and North-West Russia
Author: Trond Trosterud
Publication Date: 16 Dec 2008
Citations: 17

Title: Language, ethnic identity, and the adaptation of Turkish immigrant youth in the Netherlands and Sweden
Author: Paul Veddera, Erkki Virtab
Publication Date: 6 July 2005
Citations: 168

Title: Assimilation and Stratification in the Homeownership Patterns of Racial and Ethnic Groups
Author: Richard D. Alba, John R. Logan
Publication Date: December 1, 1992
Citations: 372

Summary: The topic of language assimilation appears to be more relevant on English-language scientific sites. Scholar Googleseems to have a lot more articles disttributed in it, than there are in Elibrary.ru, so it is harder to analyse tendencies of science society regarding the topic.

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